
Hága mentességet kér az Oroszország elleni uniós szankciók alól. Az ország Eurázsia északi részén terül el annak mintegy egyharma…

Oscar Zia

Find top songs and albums by Oscar Zia including Human I Want You and more. He was born on October 10 1996 and his birthplace is …


The CPI for food increased 1 the second consecutive monthly gain of at least 1. The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers …

Heat warning

11 hours agoThe two-day heat event is expected to last well into Sunday with a heat warning issued for much of southern Ontario i…


プロ野球ヤクルトの村上宗隆22が2日中日戦神宮で日本史上初となる5打席連続本塁打を達成した今季39号でセリーグトップ 7. 1 day agoヤクルトに衝撃が走った主砲村上宗隆内野手22が6日出場選手登録を特例2022の対象選手で抹消されたこれで2020年6…